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About Tim

Curious ~ Open-Hearted ~ Insightful

I am by nature a very curious and playful person. I live life in accordance to my own light and truth. I love to inspire others through meaningful dialogue and deep listening. In today's modern age with all of its fast moving parts, quiet and peaceful reflective times are so incredibly important to bring us back to a state of balance so that we can become clear as to how to move forward. I believe that a space held in the spirit of sincere connection is truly sacred and instrumental for healing on a deep level. My trainings in yoga, Tantra, meditation, energy work, integral facilitation, and holistic coaching have supported me in cultivating a steady mind and calm presence. This presence is what I bring to all of sessions with clients and is what helps hold the container for transformative insight, peace, and grounded clarity.

Applicable Trainings:

  • Vibrational Medicine/Energy Work Certification, 2003

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), 2011

  • 200-hr Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Certification, 2013

  • 50-hr Yin Yoga Certification, 2019

  • Energy Grid Training, 2022

  • 200-hr Kundalini Yoga Certification, 2023

  • Holistic Coach Certification, 2024

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Chakra Meditation
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